A Strength-Based, Parent-Implemented Intervention for a Child With Autism and Behavior Problems: Parent With a Reported High Level of Stress
- Department of Special Needs Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
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- 高いストレスをもつ保護者による行動問題を示す自閉症児への家庭での介入を促す支援方略の検討 ―強みに基づくアプローチを通して―
- タカイ ストレス オ モツ ホゴシャ ニ ヨル コウドウ モンダイ オ シメス ジヘイショウジ エ ノ カテイ デ ノ カイニュウ オ ウナガス シエン ホウリャク ノ ケントウ : ツヨミ ニ モトズク アプローチ オ トオシテ
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The present study examined effects of a strength-based approach on the implementation of functional assessmentbased parent intervention for reducing a child's behavior problems. The mother of a third-grade boy with autism reported high levels of stress because of his behavior problems, which were occurring frequently at home. The mother's opinion was that her behavior induced her son's behavior problems. The therapist and the mother jointly developed a behavior support plan, using daily records that she kept. In addition, she was asked to describe situations in which her son had shown behavior problems at home, using the 3-term contingency in her descriptions, and about behavioral factors and procedures that might be used with the target behaviors. The therapist emphasized appropriate interactions and the mother's implementation of the intervention. The mother's discussions with the therapist showed a decrease in descriptions of her son's behavior problems at home and an increase in positive statements about him. The mother also reported that her son's behavior problems had decreased. Furthermore, the mother gave advice to support staff on how to support her son, and she reported that her mental health had improved and her anxiety decreased. These results suggest that the mother must have worked proactively to intervene, using a strength-based approach, based on the records that she was keeping.
- The Japanese Journal of Special Education
The Japanese Journal of Special Education 54 (4), 257-266, 2016
The Japanese Association of Special Education
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713059244032
- NII Article ID
- 130007617649
- NII Book ID
- AN00172513
- 21865132
- 03873374
- 028152195
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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