Art Education Class Demonstration with Image Media focusing on Analogical Tangible Perseption

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  • 映像的触覚知を基にした美術教育における映像メディア実践
  • エイゾウテキ ショッカク チ オ モト ニ シタ ビジュツ キョウイク ニ オケル エイゾウ メディア ジッセン

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Japanese ministery of education enforced new national standard for junior highschool at 2012. In the art standard, the line of image media fixed as a endevor aim. In the contrast with the previous standard, this is a decline revision of image media. It is possible to foresight many reason, but as a typical practical reason, there is not enough image media equioment in the school. On the other hand, Japanese government has been promoted “The Vision for ICT in Education” since 2011. It is important to think about how we apply image media, which integrated into ICT media, in the theory and practial field on art eudcation. Therefore, in this artcle proposed one theory of how knowledge cultivate and spin through image media and continuously pursuit of students learning. Furthermore, the actual class was held at the loacl junior high school based on this model. As a result of this practice, unevenness of aesthetic sense, which obtain when the students watch image media, was reduced. Also the students who took this practice, strongly persept analogical tangible perseption when they watch image media more than the other student. This practice was considered that there is a some efficiency as a base of education through the image media on art education.


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