Cultivating Multiple Intelligences Utilizing Image Media in Art Education. -Designing a Structure for the Experience Enhanced Image Media Education and a Possibility of Expansion in the Class Activity-
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- 美術教育における映像メディアの活用で育む多重知性 -体験的映像教育のための構造を授業実践から考える-
- ビジュツ キョウイク ニ オケル エイゾウ メディア ノ カツヨウ デ ハグクム タジュウ チセイ タイケンテキ エイゾウ キョウイク ノ タメ ノ コウゾウ オ ジュギョウ ジッセン カラ カンガエル
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This article is clearing the structure of utilizing image media in art education based on Howard's multiple intelligence theory to be able to cultivating aesthetic sense and intelligences. It is better to cultivate Howard's 8 intelligences category inter-crossly especially for visually enhanced life environment. The structure of inter-media education shows image media utilization can be developed more than just a visual communication. Thus, it is very important to understand the character of the media and have a practice of creating own media that can be controlled by student-selves. Form the practice of “Everybody Light-Artist” from Kozaki-higashi elementary school in Aichi prefecture shows the model of inter-media education expressing not only visual communication matter but the communication through the whole sense, and it connects to Howard's multiple intelligence theory. Utilizing image media education gives art education multiple opportunities of cultivating multiple intelligences and aesthetic senses.
- Journal of Nagoya Bunri University
Journal of Nagoya Bunri University 11 (0), 87-96, 2011-03-31
Nagoya Bunri University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713081316224
- NII Article ID
- 110008148693
- NII Book ID
- AA11562518
- 24335517
- 13461982
- 11109621
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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