A Reinvestigation of the Age Difference in Resilience in a Large Cross-sectional Japanese Sample
- Ueno Yuki
- Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences, Graduate School of Art and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
- Hirano Mari
- Faculty of Humanities, Tokyo Kasei University
- Oshio Atsushi
- Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
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- Other Title
- 日本人のレジリエンスにおける年齢変化の再検討――10代から90代を対象とした大規模横断調査
- ニホンジン ノ レジリエンス ニ オケル ネンレイ ヘンカ ノ サイケントウ : 10ダイ カラ 90ダイ オ タイショウ ト シタ ダイキボ オウダン チョウサ
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<p>This study aimed to reinvestigate age differences in resilience in a large cross-sectional Japanese sample (N=18,843; 9,657 men, 9,156 women; meanage=47.74 years, SDage=14.89, rangeage=15–99 years). The data were obtained from a large cross-sectional study by NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting, Inc. The results of hierarchical multiple regression indicated that age and squared term of age were significantly positively associated with resilience. These results reconfirm that resilience in Japanese individuals increases with age, corroborating the findings of previous studies.</p>
- The Japanese Journal of Personality
The Japanese Journal of Personality 28 (1), 91-94, 2019-07-01
Japan Society of Personality Psychology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390845713081891200
- NII Article ID
- 130007676379
- NII Book ID
- AA11873802
- 13496174
- 13488406
- 029849378
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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