Child-rearing Experiences of Mothers of Children with Identified Traits of Developmental Disorders

  • Ito Yuka
    Health and Sanitation Department Pablic Health and Sanitation Center Health Improvement Division, Niigata City
  • Kobayashi Keiko
    Graduate School of Health Sciences, Niigata University

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  • From Identification to Receiving Continuous Specialized Support
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<p>Aims: Specialized support provided by public health nurses to mothers with children having identified traits of developmental disorders was investigated by examining those mothers’ child-rearing experiences from the point of the identification of traits to the receiving of continuous support from specialized agencies.</p><p>Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with mothers(N = 7)of children with developmental disorders, living in A city, on the concrete aspects of their child-rearing. The results were analyzed qualitatively and inductively.</p><p>Results: Nine categories of mothers’ child-rearing experiences were developed. (1)Feeling despair when informed about their child’s traits indicating developmental disorders, (2)depression before the diagnosis, (3)feeling isolated, anxious and alone, (4)feeling remorse for their ways of rearing children, (5)mental and physical exhaustion through difficulties in dealing with the traits of a developmental disorder, (6)distress about not being able to accept their child, (7)positive thoughts about facing the disorder, (8)feeling relieved by receiving support from specialized agencies, (9)gaining confidence in child-rearing through their child’s development.</p><p>Discussion: Mothers experienced despair when the traits of developmental disorder were identified in their children, which had negative effects on the development of mother-child attachment. It is important to build a trusting relationship with mothers after the traits are identified and to provide continuous support, as well as to help mothers acquire skills to cope with their children. It is expected that mothers’ distress and loneliness, as well as inhibition in developing mother-child attachment, would be reduced through such support.</p>


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