A Factor Analysis of Stadium Energy Consumption in Japanese Professional Baseball Games

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  • 日本プロ野球レギュラーシーズンにおける球場のエネルギー消費の要因分析


Energy consumption structure of Japanese professional baseball games was analyzed. Multiple linear regression analyses of electricity consumption in stadiums indicated that the length of games, air-conditioning load (calculated from the temperature), starting time of games (day or night) and humidity affected the electricity consumption in most stadiums, and also the number of spectators and atmospheric pressure affected in some stadiums. Total electricity consumption was decomposed to each factors based on the result of the analyses. Nippon Professional Baseball had started "Green Baseball Project" in 2008, in which each player himself and team tries to save electricity through speedy play and to shorten the game length. Total electricity consumption in 2008 was reduced by 2.58% compared to 2007 and energy consumption by gas was also reduced, although the reduction ratio in the game length was no more than 1.4%. Furthermore, the degree in contribution of game length to total consumption of electricity increased in 2008. This cannot be explained by the reduction of game length, and these results suggested that some factors other than the game length also affected to the reduction of energy consumption such as the increasing awareness of players, spectators and stadium officers about energy saving, considering restricted contribution of game length to total electricity consumption.


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    • CiNii Articles
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