

  • An “Integrated Model” of International Cooperation to Basic Education in Developing Countries: Prospects of Achieving “Education for All” Goals through Capacity Development
  • 発展途上国の基礎教育開発における国際教育協力「融合モデル」--「万人のための教育」目標達成と能力開発への展望
  • ハッテン トジョウコク ノ キソ キョウイク カイハツ ニ オケル コクサイ キョウイク キョウリョク ユウゴウ モデル バンニン ノ タメノ キョウイク モクヒョウ タッセイ ト ノウリョク カイハツ エノ テンボウ
  • ―「万人のための教育」目標達成と能力開発への展望―



<p>Developing countries, including Southeast Asian countries, face an enormous challenge in ensuring equitable access to quality education in the context of deepening globalization and increasing international competition. They must meet the goal of Education for All (EFA) at the basic education level as a strong foundation to develop a more sophisticated work force. In meeting this challenge, this paper emphasizes that developing countries need to reform their education systems and service deliveries as an integral part of social and economic development. However, most of them have not yet fully developed the system, institutional, and individual capacities in undertaking necessary education reforms, especially under decentralization requiring new roles at various levels of administration and stakeholders.</p><p>Provided that an ultimate vision of educational development and cooperation in the 21st century would be to develop indigenous capacity in engineering education reforms, the paper analyzes the overall education reform context and capacity, including the status of sector program support using sector-wide approach (SWAp)/program-based approach (PBA) in developing countries. The paper also addresses how different stakeholders have been interacting in order to promote basic education, particularly from the perspectives of capacity development under the context of decentralization. Based on analysis of the global trends of educational development and cooperation, the paper proposes an “integrated model” of international cooperation to basic education in developing countries. This model posits capacity development as a key concept for enhancing aid effectiveness and comprises three main dimensions of integration: (1) interactions among stakeholders at various levels; (2) linkages among different sub-sectors in the education sector; and (3) linkages/combinations of different aid modalities, namely loans, grant aid, and technical cooperation. It is expected that by applying this model to assess current conditions of international cooperation to basic education in developing countries, donor countries and international agencies could clarify their roles in the process of promoting education reforms and enhance their aid effectiveness.</p><p>Furthermore, the paper analyzes cases of those less developed countries in Southeast Asia, i.e., Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam, which are preparing or receiving sector program support using countryspecific forms of SWAp/PBA. Country cases particularly focus on how the stakeholders in political arenas of each country have been interacting in the process of promoting reforms in basic education. In lieu of conclusion, the paper discusses prospects of achieving EFA goals through capacity development of the local stakeholders in developing countries.</p>




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