

  • Confusions Caused by the Vulnerabilities in Food Distribution System and Struggles for Its Recovery and Reconstruction
  • シンポジウム報告 食品流通の脆弱性に翻弄された現場と、復旧・復興を目指した取り組み : 宮城県の地域内連携を軸に
  • シンポジウム ホウコク ショクヒン リュウツウ ノ ゼイジャクセイ ニ ホンロウ サレタ ゲンバ ト 、 フッキュウ ・ フッコウ オ メザシタ トリクミ : ミヤギケン ノ チイキ ナイ レンケイ オ ジク ニ
  • An Example of Regional Cooperation in Miyagi Prefecture
  • ─宮城県の地域内連携を軸に─



In the deep confusion immediately following the Great East Japan Earthquake and with the considerable lack of information, we struggled to support the disaster area and restart food distribution activities through collaboration with business partners not only in Miyagi but in all Japan. This experience became the base of a new regional cooperation among business partners in Miyagi to renew the food distribution system following the disaster. Eventually the cooperation established a new brand, “COCON TOHOKU,” which focuses on high quality and lesser known food resources in the region in order to enhance the regional economy. Outside of the CO-OP, the brand has been distributed to various channels with the number of items under the brand now numbering approximately 160 and annual sales greater than one billion JPY. We also recognize that support from consumers is the key factor in all these activities.


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