This survey of Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) was conducted to determine their roles in Interpretation for Deaf Parents and related factors.

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  • 聴覚障害の親をもつ健聴児 (Children of Deaf Adults: CODA) の通訳役割の実態と関連する要因の検討

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<p>  A retrospective survey of 104 CODA was conducted to determine the actual status, related factors, and issues in the roles of CODA as interpreters for their parents. From their childhood (average: 6.48 years old), CODA are responsible for interpreting for their deaf parents, including proxy negotiations, instead of the parents, in various situations, representing the psychological burden of CODA. Of the CODA surveyed, 92 (88.5%) conducted conversation with their deaf parents using sign language and 74 (71.2%) using the Auditory/Oral Method, using gestures and writing together. The conversations were reported as being possible by only half of the surveyed CODA. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the frequency of interpreting was affected by two factors: both father and mother deaf and interpreting starting at a young age. Parent-child conversations were influenced by one factor, namely, of both the father and mother being deaf.</p><p>  Early support for childcare is necessary for deaf parents, and to reduce the burden of interpreting, to provide psychological support and promote smooth conversation between parents and children for CODA, it is considered that the advice and support system of relevant experts is urgently needed.</p>



    AUDIOLOGY JAPAN 63 (1), 69-77, 2020-02-28

    Japan Audiological Society


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