高知県および南シナ海南部から得られた ハタ科<i>Epinephelus craigi</i>スミツキアオハタ(新称)の記録およびアオハタモドキに適用すべき学名の再検討


  • First reliable records of <i>Epinephelus craigi</i> (Perciformes: Serranidae) from Japan and the southern South China Sea, and a note on the standard Japanese name proposed for <i>E. stictus</i>
  • 高知県および南シナ海南部から得られたハタ科Epinephelus craigiスミツキアオハタ(新称)の記録およびアオハタモドキに適用すべき学名の再検討
  • コウチケン オヨビ ミナミシナカイ ナンブ カラ エラレタ ハタカ Epinephelus craigi スミツキアオハタ(シンショウ)ノ キロク オヨビ アオハタモドキ ニ テキヨウ スベキ ガクメイ ノ サイケントウ



<p>Serranid specimens collected from Tosa Bay, Kochi Prefecture, Japan (1 specimen) and the South China Sea [Gulf of Tonkin, off Vietnam, Riau Islands (Indonesia) and Borneo] (10 specimens) were identified as Epinephelus craigi, previously been known only from Taiwan and China. The species is characterized by five dark vertical bands bisected by a longitudinal series of squarish blotches on the body, numerous small black spots scattered on the lateral and dorsal portions of the head and anterior body, a longitudinal dark band behind the eye and on the upper opercle, the soft-rayed portion of the dorsal fin, anal and caudal fins without black margins, 46–57 pored lateral-line scales, and 81–95 longitudinal series scale rows. Previous Japanese records of Epinephelus stictus Randall and Allen, 1987 (now restricted to Australia and Indonesia) and Epinephelus diacanthus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828) (northern Indian Ocean) are considered to have been misidentifications. The present specimens represent the first specimen-based records of E. craigi from Japan and the southern South China Sea (Vietnam, Riau Islands and Borneo). The new standard Japanese name Sumitsuki-aohata is proposed for E. craigi. The standard Japanese name Aohata-modoki should be applied for E. stictus.</p>


  • 魚類学雑誌

    魚類学雑誌 67 (1), 31-40, 2020-04-25

    一般社団法人 日本魚類学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

