

  • The onomatopoeia used by caregivers in physical expression activities for infants:
  • 幼児期の身体表現活動における保育者の用いるオノマトペ : 身体表現活動におけるイメージに着目した分類
  • ヨウジキ ノ シンタイ ヒョウゲン カツドウ ニ オケル ホイクシャ ノ モチイル オノマトペ : シンタイ ヒョウゲン カツドウ ニ オケル イメージ ニ チャクモク シタ ブンルイ
  • The classification of onomatopoeia focused on images in physical expression activities
  • ―身体表現活動におけるイメージに着目した分類―



<p>  The purpose of this study is to examine the actual conditions of the onomatopoeia used by caregivers, and to show the characteristic/semantic classification of onomatopoeia in physical ex pression activities with focusing on images for infants. 83 caregivers answered a questionnaire and reported 385 types onomatopoeias. As a result, caregivers use frequently onomatopoeia in physical expression activities for infants, no matter what years of experience, child care form. And there are five categories of onomatopoeia that are used by caregivers in physical expression activi ties for infants. The five categories each are classified as “movement”, “object/phenomenon”, “condition/situation”, “sense/emotion”, “other”. From this result, we discussed the following three points. 1) The education of physical expression activities does not only in dancing or acting the part but also in various situations like watching dance by other infant. 2) There are two pat terns about the relationship of images between onomatopoeia and movements in infants. Pattern1 is that caregivers have specific images, and lead infants’ movements with the same specific imag es. On the other hand, pattern2 is that caregivers have abstract images, and lead infant’s move ment with infants’ own images. In pattern2, there are 2 perspective “be” and “become”. 3) Caregiv ers use onomatopoeia in 2 formats: sign/symbol.</p><p>  After this study, it is necessary to substantiate that images between onomatopoeia and move ments in infants based on classification of onomatopoeia in this study. To examine images between onomatopoeia and movements will be able to make a contribution for study of language in various sports coaching not for infants but for all development stages.</p>


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