
  • 田崎 敦子
    東京農工大学国際センター 准教授 日本語教育・異文化間コミュニケーション
  • 齋藤 ひろみ
    東京学芸大学 教授 日本語教育
  • 見世 千賀子
    東京学芸大学国際教育センター 准教授 比較教育学


  • Career Forming and Intercultural Education
  • キャリア ケイセイ ト イブンカカン キョウイク



<p>This paper forms the introduction to the special feature articles of this issue by presenting the purpose of the theme, “career forming and intercultural education.”</p><p> We take as the meaning of a career “a life-term development and self-realization carried out in the process of playing expected roles in life stages.” In this meaning, experiences in different cultures can influence a person’s career development, and then supports, education and research for career forming should include viewpoints of intercultural education. In order to meet this need, we set this theme to provide opportunities for readers of this journal to discuss how we can support career forming and what kinds of research are expected for it in the area of intercultural education.</p><p>Articles on this theme discuss different topics related to career forming and intercultural experiences such as life-term career development, career forming of foreigner employees from the viewpoints of a career consultant, cultural differences in career counseling, career forming of Japanese who work in multicultural situations in Japan, and career forming of foreign professionals in Japan. These articles describe real situations of career forming that imply possible approaches of intercultural education for a person’s career forming. At the same time, the article presents us new research questions in the area of intercultural education in terms of career forming. The reports and suggestions of these articles a expected to activate discussions regarding education and research on career forming and intercultural education.</p>


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