Literature Reviews on the Effects of Media Depictions―Focusing on the Psychological Effects and Controversial Cases—

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  • メディア表現の影響に関する学術的検討―心理学的検討と問題となる表現を中心に―
  • メディア ヒョウゲン ノ エイキョウ ニ カンスル ガクジュツテキ ケントウ : シンリガクテキ ケントウ ト モンダイ ト ナル ヒョウゲン オ チュウシン ニ

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<p>This study reviews the empirical research on the effects of media depictions and socially controversial cases. This review suggests that children and adolescents can be adversely affected by violence, sexual or anti-social depictions, or language or ideology-related expressions. As shown in the effect research on violent scenes of media, younger children are more likely to be affected by the media contents. Therefore, empirical evidences are found for game industry to provide rating of media contents for the protection of children and adolescents who are developing their social norms. Controversial cases include intense violence, sexual violence, use of alcohol beverages or Tobacco, discriminations against minority groups, and usages of real names such as persons, organizations or diseases. The media contents may adversely affect even adults, and these controversial issues should be carefully described even for media contents for mature audience. On the other hand, descriptions of people in diverse social groups are encouraged, and media industry should describe these social groups cautiously in multi-perspectives rather than prohibit or put a taboo on these descriptions.</p>


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