Mumps-Associated Deafness in a Vaccinated Adult—A Case Report—

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  • ワクチン既接種者のムンプス難聴例
  • ワクチンキセッシュシャ ノ ムンプス ナンチョウレイ

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<p>We report herein a case of mumps-associated deafness in a vaccinated adult. A 34-year-old woman, who had received mumps vaccination at the age of five, presented at the Chitose City Hospital, complaining of swelling in the submandibular and subaural regions, left-sided hearing loss, and dizziness. Diagnosing the case as mumps-associated deafness, we treated her with drip infusion. While dizziness resolved with therapy, the hearing loss did not. Based on the titers of the anti-mumps IgM and IgG antibodies, we speculated that the patient was a case of primary vaccine failure. </p>


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