A Concept Analysis of Resilience in Patients with Mental Illness
- Ohira Sachiko
- Gifu University School of Medicine Nursing Course
- Matsuda Mitsunobu
- Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, Osaka City University Guraduate School of Nursing
- Kohno Ayumi
- Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, Osaka City University Guraduate School of Nursing
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- 精神障害者のレジリエンスの概念分析
- セイシン ショウガイシャ ノ レジリエンス ノ ガイネン ブンセキ
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<p>Objective: To analyze the concept of resilience in patients with mental illness and to clarify its structures and examine their usefulness in nursing practice and research.</p><p>Method: A total of 43 references were evaluated using the Rodgers concept analysis approach.</p><p>Result: Three categories were extracted as attributes: “personal elements supporting the recovery,” “multi-sided empower,” and “invoking the power inherent in individuals.” Two categories were extracted for the antecedents and five categories for the consequences.</p><p>Conclusion: Resilience is a concept that expresses the process by which patients with mental illness live like that person by emphasizing resilience and realizing “human growth.” Based on the results, “personal elements supporting the recovery” and “multi-sided empower” evidently enable “invoking the power inherent in individuals” for persons with mental illness. By strengthening these factors, the resilience of a patients with mental illness can be increased, which is useful in considering support for patients with mental illness.</p>
- Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science 40 (0), 100-105, 2020
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390848250137698048
- NII Article ID
- 130007890708
- NII Book ID
- AN00010260
- 21858888
- 02875330
- 031400590
- Text Lang
- ja
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