Study on the Growth and Rivalry of C.B.D.s in Relation with the Improvement of Urban Infrastructures

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  • 都市基盤整備からみた都心部の競合と成長に関する一考察
  • 神奈川県中央地域における都市交通施設をケースとして


<p>The growth and rivalry of commercial centres situated around a railway station could be explained by the stock of such regional wide transportation facilities as railway and trunk road which connect commercial domain with C.B.D. (“external stock”) and the stock of urban roads and parking facilities in the C.B.D. which contribute to the increase of space supply for commercial activities (“internal stock”). This paper is the outcome of preliminary study which was conducted as to 12 commercial centres located in Kanagawa Prefecture to verify the above mentioned tentative theory.</p>


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