Resonant Frequency and Load Voltage in Voltage-Source Type Wireless Power Transfer Circuits using Series and Parallel Resonant Capacitors
- Komeda Shohei
- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
- Kifune Hiroyasu
- Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
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- Other Title
- 共振コンデンサを直列または並列に接続した電圧源駆動非接触給電回路の共振周波数と負荷電圧
- キョウシン コンデンサ オ チョクレツ マタワ ヘイレツ ニ セツゾク シタ デンアツ ゲン クドウ ヒセッショク キュウデン カイロ ノ キョウシン シュウハスウ ト フカ デンアツ
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<p>This paper discusses the relationship between resonant frequency and load voltage in wireless power transfer (WPT) systems using series and parallel resonant capacitors and proposes a method to express the resonant frequency using an attenuation coefficient. The resonant frequency and load voltage are derived theoretically by using a simple equivalent circuit when the quality factor of the resonant circuit is low. The resonant frequency expressed by the attenuation coefficient can be used to indicate points of similarity of the resonant frequency in each WPT system. Experimental resonant frequencies agree well with their theoretical values and demonstrate voltage-source and current-source operation at the load side.</p>
- IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 140 (9), 642-650, 2020-09-01
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390848250140417408
- NII Article ID
- 130007894930
- NII Book ID
- AN10012320
- 13488163
- 09136339
- 030644297
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed