A Study on Characteristics and Management of Treated Wastewater in Rural Sewerage with Submerged Biological Filters for Irrigation Use

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  • 生物膜法の農業集落排水処理水の灌漑利用からみた水質と運転管理
  • セイブツマクホウ ノ ノウギョウ シュウラク ハイスイ ショリスイ ノ カンガイリヨウ カラ ミタ スイシツ ト ウンテン カンリ

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<p>This study examined the achievement situation and desirable management method of treated wastewater from rural sewerage with submerged biological filters by the ISO guidelines for irrigation use. The study found that the BOD concentrations and SS concentrations of treated wastewater had close relation to influent concentrations, hydraulic loading, and aeration rate in the contact aeration tank. The study also found that the BOD concentrations of treated wastewater in normal operation has mostly satisfied the quality of category C. There was a high probability that the BOD concentrations of treated wastewater achieved the quality of category B under the operating condition in which the aeration rate in the contact aeration tank was around 3 m3∙m‐3∙h‐1, and the influent BOD concentrations in the contact aeration was managed with around 30 mg∙L-1. In order to achieve the quality of category A, it was thought that the operation required an increasing frequency of cleaning of the sedimented sludge and high aeration-rate operation of the contact aeration tank. The number of coliform groups in the treated wastewater could satisfy the quality of category B in the case where residual chlorine was more than 0.1 mg∙L-1. From the perspective of the irrigation use of treated wastewater, it was considered that monitoring residual chlorine concentration was important.</p>


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