

  • Interpretations of Dharmākara in Gizan’s 義山 Commentary on the Larger <i>Sukhāvatīvyūha</i>-<i>sūtra</i>: An Approach of Intellectual History
  • ギサン 『 ムリョウ ジュケイズイブンコウロク 』 ニ オケル ホウゾウ ボサツ シャクギ ノ シソウシテキ コウサツ



<p>The commentaries of Hōnen (法然, 1133–1212) and Ryōe (了慧, 1243–1330) on the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha-sūtra developed from Jingying Huiyuan’s 浄影慧遠 (523–592) philosophy and produced in Japanese Pure Land Buddhism a formula for interpreting Dharmākara bodhisattva (法蔵菩薩), who became Amitābha Buddha. However, considering that Hōnen followed Shandao’s (善導) ideas, one wonders why the Jōdo scholar Gizan (義山, 1648–1717) tried to create an interpretation by combining two systems originating from Huiyuan and Shandao.</p><p>This paper tries to investigate the way Gizan dealt with the controversy that emerged from the ‘twofold resolve’ (両重発心) which eventually led to doctrinal argument. Apart from his controversial argument, this paper deals with the characteristics of Gizan’s thought: 1. He adopted Huiyuan’s philosophy to elaborate Dharmākara’s ‘multifold resolve’, which would lead to the conclusion that the ‘multifold resolve’ would be impossible without the strength of the absolute other, especially from the viewpoint of manifestations. 2. With the idea of dependent origination in Mahāyāna, he not only explained that Dharmākara initiated his resolve long ago, but also elaborated by means of Kegon philosophy that Dharmākara did it together with sentient beings. Gizan’s interpretation of Dharmākara corresponded to the teaching of Hōnen, the follower of Shandao, and emphasized the spirit of the bodhisattva path full of great compassion.</p>



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