Quantitative analysis of hospital management using the data from the Japan Council for Quality Health Care
- Shimomura Kinya
- Hyogo College of medicine graduate school Medical science courses Environmental medicine Medical informatics
- Hiramatu Haruhiko
- Hyogo College of medicine graduate school Medical science courses Environmental medicine Medical informatics
- Miyamoto Masaki
- Hyogo College of medicine graduate school Medical science courses Environmental medicine Medical informatics
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- Other Title
- 病院機能評価を活用した病院運営の数量的分析
- ビョウイン キノウ ヒョウカ オ カツヨウ シタ ビョウイン ウンエイ ノ スウリョウテキ ブンセキ
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<p>Hospitals are managed in close association with governmental health policy. For this reason, unlike commercial enterprises, hospitals may be managed without being exposed to high economic risks. However, to maintain and advance a hospital as an organization, organizational activities like the ones required of commercial enterprises are needed. In this sense, a hospital's financial data will reflect its management as is the case with commercial enterprises. Before arguing about such data, the authors assumed that there might be factors within the qualitative information of hospitals that may have crucial impacts on hospital management. Based on this assumption, the authors conducted a study to explore if such factors could be revealed through numerical analysis of the data collected by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JCQHC) and to clarify the involvement of qualitative information in hospital management. Analysis was conducted of “hospital management policy” and “hospital environments” based on the assumption that these factors might affect hospital management. The data collected by the JCQHC were used for this study. Covariance structure analysis was attempted. In overall evaluation of the analysis models, high degrees of model fitness were revealed (GFI=0.958, AGFI=0.941, CFI=0.865, RMSEA=0.044). The results of this study suggest that hospital management policy and hospital environments are factors affecting the management of hospitals.</p>
- The Journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management
The Journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management 13 (3), 134-138, 2012-12-01
Japan Society for Health Care Management
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390848647548445056
- NII Article ID
- 130007903296
- NII Book ID
- AA12166447
- 18846807
- 18812503
- 024177152
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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