Femoropopliteal Arterial Bypass for Acute Occlusion and Stenosis of a Persistent Sciatic Artery

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  • バイパス術が有効であった坐骨動脈狭窄遺残併存血栓閉塞症の1例
  • 症例 バイパス術が有効であった坐骨動脈狭窄遺残併存血栓閉塞症の1例
  • ショウレイ バイパスジュツ ガ ユウコウ デ アッタ ザコツ ドウミャク キョウサクイザンヘイソン ケッセン ヘイソクショウ ノ 1レイ

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<p>A 66-year-old woman suddenly developed intermittent right calf claudication following a 100-m walk, and she consulted a doctor two weeks later. Angiography showed bilateral persistent sciatic arteries (PSAs) and occlusion of the right PSA. Echography of the lower limbs showed fresh thrombi, and she was referred to our hospital, where an emergency thrombectomy was performed. However, since it was difficult to completely remove the thrombi in the central femoral neck because of arterial stenosis, percutaneous balloon angioplasty was performed at the same time. Seven days after the thrombectomy, the right PSA was again occluded, so a right femoropopliteal bypass was performed. After surgery, the patient's intermittent right calf claudication disappeared. Thirteen days later, she was able to walk and was discharged from hospital. Her acute occlusion and stenosis of PSAs were successfully treated with thrombectomy and right femoropopliteal bypass.</p>



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