陸上競技の短距離走の指導者と体育を専門としない小学校教員における 疾走動作の着眼点の比較

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  • Comparison between sprint coaches and non-specialized physical education elementary school teachers with regard to sprint motion focusing points
  • リクジョウ キョウギ ノ タンキョリソウ ノ シドウシャ ト タイイク オ センモン ト シナイ ショウガッコウ キョウイン ニ オケル シッソウ ドウサ ノ チャクガンテン ノ ヒカク



<p>The purpose of this study was to clarify the differences in the sprint motion focusing points between elementary school teachers, who are not specialized in physical education, and sprint coaches when they are observing and evaluating sprint motions of elementary school children. The results are summarized as follows.</p><p>1) Coaches focused on lower limbs and the connection between lower limbs and upper body while elementary school teachers observed either the upper body or the overall impression.</p><p>2) Coaches focused mainly on three points: (i) the position of the swing leg at the time of ground contact;</p><p>(ii)the position of the center of gravity at the time of ground contact; and (iii) the late of recovery leg.</p><p>Since these are in accordance with the indices for evaluating rational sprinting motion that have been suggested in biomechanics reports, it is inferred that these focusing points are appropriate for evaluating the motions as ‘good’ or ‘improvement needed’.</p><p>3) Elementary school teachers focused on ‘the arm swing’, ‘overall impression’ and ‘posture’. Nevertheless it was shown that ‘arm swing’ may not be suitable for evaluating sprint motion, teachers emphasized</p><p>the most this point. On the other hand, not only ‘posture’ was easy for elementary school teachers to focus on, but also it was suggested that it could be a candidate for evaluating a rational sprint motion.</p><p>However, it was not possible to make it clear what criteria teachers used to evaluate a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ posture. Therefore, further studies concerning specific focusing points and criteria are needed.</p>


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