

  • Utilizing Local Practices for Educational Activities
  • ムラ ノ チイキセイ オ イカシタ キョウイク カツドウ ノ テンカイ



Higashinaruse Junior School has embraced local practices. We have been making use of its features in educational activities as follows. 1. Enhancement of partnerships between primary and junior high schools. This reinforces a co-operative foundation between staff at both schools. 2. Greeting Morning Campaigns. 3. Studentsʼ Orchestra. 4. Career internships at institutions within the village. 5. Chorus Contests. 6. Poster Sessions. 7. Criticality Contests. 8. English Camps. 9. Study Orientations. 10. Haiku Gathering. The primary foundation of our education is an environment in which students can learn freely, supportively, and co-operatively for their prospective development. Our target is to maximize the potential of all students by creating an environment where they can accept the faults of others with harmony and unity. The central focus of school management is to create a systematic education with a smooth linkage from primary school to junior high school for studentsʼ mental and physical development as well as their educational accomplishments.


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