Study on the complementary relation of greening ordinance and certification system for private green space

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  • 民間緑地の評価認証制度と緑化条例等との相補関係に関する研究

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<p>This study aimed to discuss the complementary relation of greening ordinance and certification system for private green space. Recently, opportunities of using complementary system for private green space have been increasing in the urban development projects. There, however, are little studies on certification system and greening ordinance for urban greening. This study, therefore, analyzed evaluation items of certification system; “SEGES” and “ABINC” based on a real certificated example. By this study, we found that greening ordinance works for Single-Exist and Single-Use effect of urban greening, while certification system works for Multiple-Exist and Multiple-Use effect of urban greening. And that the complementary relation of greening ordinance and certification system has some variation was revealed. In the future, when a new greening ordinance to be discussed, this complementary relation should be taken into account.</p>


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