Development of anxiety scale focusing on the effect on life for women up to 6 months after childbirth (1st Report)

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  • 産後6か月までの女性が抱く不安尺度の開発 第1報
  • ─ 生活への支障や苦痛に焦点を当てて ─

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<p>Purpose: This study aimed to develop a scale for assessing women’s postpartum anxiety that does not meet the diagnostic criteria for anxiety but is clinically significant in that it causes psychological problems and distress, affects their lives, and necessitates nursing intervention. <br>Methods: We created scale items based on interviews with mothers and previous studies and prepared a draft of a 78-item postpartum anxiety scale after pretesting. From July to September 2018, a questionnaire survey was conducted among women in their 6 months after childbirth at an infant health checkup center near the Kanto area. Validity was confirmed through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, internal consistency, coexistence validity, and the known-groups method. <br>Results: We collected 376 valid responses (valid response rate: 38.7%) by mail. The item analysis and exploratory factor analysis produced a postpartum anxiety scale with six factors and 28 items. The six factors were “life, recognition, and emotional control,” “maternal capacity,” “child’s health and safety,” “relationship with partner,” “career after having a baby,” and “responsiveness to child.” Cronbach’s alpha ranged from .552 to .880, which met the minimum level of reliability.<br>Validity was confirmed by correlation between this scale and EPDS anxiety factors, DASS anxiety factors, EPDS total score, and the known-groups method. However, the correlation between disability and distress towards life with external criteria did not meet the recommended level, so there may be some issues with coexistence validity.<br>Conclusion: This scale comprised six factors, and part of its reliability and validity were confirmed.</p>


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