Bacteriological Assessment of Middle Ear Effusions and Nasopharyngeal Swabs in Children with Acute Otitis Media


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  • 小児急性中耳炎の中耳貯留液と鼻咽腔拭い液の細菌学的検討

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<p>Prospective clinical study: We conducted a bacteriological study of post-myringotomy middle ear effusions (MEEs) and nasopharyngeal swabs (NPSs) in children with severe acute otitis media.</p><p>Results 1: There were 45 males (47%) and 50 females (53%), and according to their age distribution 38 of them were 1 year old, the largest age group.</p><p>Results 2: The NPS cultures in 94 of the 95 cases yielded 182 strains of bacteria; Streptococcus pneumoniae accounted for 26.4% of the isolates, and nontypable Hemophilus influenza (NTHi) accounted for 35.2%. The MEE cultures yielded 65 strains in 65 of the 95 cases; S. pneumoniae accounted for 24.6% of the isolates, and NTHi accounted for 61.5%. In the NPS pneumococcus-positive/NTHi-negative group, pneumococcus-positives also predominated in the MEEs. In the NPS pneumococcus-negative/NTHi-positive group, NTHi-positives also predominated in the MEEs. In the group that was positive for both bacteria, NTHi were predominantly detected in the MEEs. Underlying these results are the concepts of “competition,” “co-colonization,” and “fitness” of the two species of bacteria as interactions between S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in the nasopharynx and middle ear.</p>


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