- タイトル別名
- Semi-Autonomous Telepresence Robot Architecture for Adaptively Switching between Remote and Autonomous Operation
<p>In research on semi-autonomous telepresence robots, a problem in which remote operators become frustrated with autonomous operations that do not match their intention has been reported. Previous researches proposed the methods for automatically switching between remote and autonomous operations in order to avoid the problem. However, those methods switch based on the sign depended on a task. In this paper, through the use of a general purpose arbitration model, called the accumulator based arbitration model (ABAM), we propose a semi-autonomous telepresence robot architecture for adaptively switching between remote and autonomous operations, named “One Minder”. ABAM inhibit autonomous operation according to remote operation so that One Minder can switch without the sign depended on a task. We incorporated One Minder into a semi-autonomous telepresence system autonomizing contingent behaviors, and conducted experiments to verify its utility from two aspects of remote operator and local user who talks with remote operator via a telepresence robot. The experiment results indicate that One Minder can adaptively switch between remote and autonomous operations without manual switching. In addition, One Minder was able to reduce the operational load and frustration given to a remote operator by allowing the arbitration to properly output an autonomous operation. Moreover, the arbitration of One Minder suppressed a negative influence of collision on a local user.</p>
- 人工知能学会論文誌
人工知能学会論文誌 36 (2), D-K47_1-12, 2021-03-01
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390850247498264448
- 130007993598
- 13468030
- 13460714
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- Crossref
- CiNii Articles
- OpenAIRE
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