Reading “Rashōmon” for an Epistemological Shift in Worldview

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  • 「羅生門」という世界観認識
  • 「 ラショウモン 」 ト イウ セカイカン ニンシキ

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<p>“Rashōmon” is a story which challenges us to reconsider how we recognize things around us. But unfortunately few critics seem to be interested in reading it on such an epistemological level. This avoidance of facing something fundamental may reflect our lack of attitude to review and reform the current framework of teaching and studying in the field of literature. I think that we literary scholars usually start our career with curiosity to know why we are moved by literary texts. In other words, we do so through the experience of reading which radically changes our worldview. Then with the same curiosity and passion we should continue challenging the established way of reading and studying until we reach down to the ontological question of what things are.</p>


  • Japanese Literature

    Japanese Literature 65 (4), 25-36, 2016-04-10

    Japanese Literature Association

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