Landslide Location and Generation Characteristics Estimated Using Seismogram records

  • DOI Issei
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
  • MAEDA Takuto
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, Japan
  • KAMAI Toshitaka
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
  • WANG Gonghui
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan

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Other Title
  • 地震波形記録による斜面崩壊の発生場所と発生形態の推定
  • 地震波形記録による斜面崩壊の発生場所と発生形態の推定 : 2017年九州北部豪雨災害・日田市小野地区の斜面崩壊を例として
  • ジシン ハケイ キロク ニ ヨル シャメン ホウカイ ノ ハッセイ バショ ト ハッセイ ケイタイ ノ スイテイ : 2017ネン キュウシュウ ホクブ ゴウウ サイガイ ・ ヒタシ オノ チク ノ シャメン ホウカイ オ レイ ト シテ
  • ― A Case Study for Ono Landslide Induced by the 2017 Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain ―
  • ― 2017年九州北部豪雨災害・日田市小野地区の斜面崩壊を例として ―

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<p>A large, catastrophic landslide took place on Ono area in Oita Prefecture, southwest Japan, triggered by extraordinarily heavy rain on July 5-6, 2017. Seismic waves triggered by this landslide were captured by high sensitivity seismometers in the routine seismic network. The signals consisted of two packets of seismic waves, and the latter one was found about one minute after the former with a longer duration and a slightly lower dominant frequency. The shape and the dominant frequency were consistent to those observed in the past landslide cases. The source location determined by using amplitude information presents small residuals with the real landslide site. The estimation accuracy was 5 km, considering the spread of the region with the small residuals. The durations and dominant frequencies of the two seismic signals suggested that the northern debris flow preceded the southern landslide rotational displacement, which was consistent with the geological insights of the past studies. This case study illustrates the possibility of the remote monitoring of the inland landslides with a size larger than 100-200 m by the permanent seismic network in Japan.</p>



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