コテングコウモリ Murina ussuriensis の2年間の活動期の模擬枯葉のねぐら利用と母仔の観察例


  • Use of a roost composed of artificial dead leaves during the active period and records of mothers and infants in the Ussurian tube-nosed bat Murina ussuriensis over two years
  • コテングコウモリ Murina ussuriensis ノ 2ネンカン ノ カツドウキ ノ モギ カレハ ノ ネグ ラ リヨウ ト ボシ ノ カンサツレイ



The use of roosts by Ussurian tube-nosed bat (Murina ussuriensis) was studied using artificial dead leaves composed of hemp or paper. From mid-April 2013 to late November 2014, leaves were placed on branches in the lower layer of the forest. Groups of females were observed seven times from mid-May to mid-June, corresponding to the pregnancy period. The number of individuals in the roost changed in each observation. A mother and her infants were observed in mid-June, and two mothers and their infants were observed at the end of July. After August, females roosted individually, with one exception. The use of leaves by a single male was observed during the study period. Owing to recapture, some individuals tended to stay in the study sites or return to the site in the next spring.


  • 四国自然史科学研究

    四国自然史科学研究 11 (0), 16-33, 2018

    特定非営利活動法人 四国自然史科学研究センター

詳細情報 詳細情報について

