Changes in nurse burnout and job satisfaction before and after the introduction of a two shift work system at A Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit

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  • A病院ICUにおける二交代制勤務導入前後の看護師のバーンアウトおよび職務満足度の変化

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<p>Purpose: To clarify how the introduction of a two-shift work at (intensive care unit; ICU) of A-Hospital affected nurse burnout and job satisfaction. Method: We conducted a Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman’s rank correlation analysis on the relationship between nurse burnout, job satisfaction, and attributes of the nurse before and after the introduction of a two-shift work system in 36 nurses working at the ICU of A-Hospital. Result: There were no significant differences in all subscales of burnout before and after the introduction of the two-shift system, and the values after the introduction of the two-shift system were significantly higher for all factors of job satisfaction than before. After the introduction of the two-shift system, a moderate negative correlation (r = -0.50) was found with “workable work environment” and age, and a moderate negative correlation (r = -0.54) was found with all years of clinical experience. Discussion and Conclusion: The introduction of the two-shift work system suggested that it could improve job satisfaction. In addition, it is necessary to give sufficient explanation and consideration to nurses with many years of experience when introducing a two-shift work system in ICUs. </p>


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