A knowledge sharing method for improving interpersonal services productivity

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  • 対人サービスの生産性向上のための知識共有手法


<p>Interpersonal services play substantial roles in the social communities with its service ranging from the provision of health care, financial service, accommodation, and entertainment. In these areas, the quality of service delivery depends on service providers' knowledge comprised of information and skills acquired through experiences or educations. To maintain, equalize, and improve the quality of interpersonal service, knowledge sharing and mutual learning among providers are essential. However, several valuable knowledges are embedded in the service providers' minds through experience that neither captured nor documented. Managing this tacit knowledge is a pivotal part of knowledge sharing to equalize the service providers' knowledge. This research aims to support knowledge sharing among providers in interpersonal services by proposing a knowledge sharing method comprising two steps. The first step observes the interaction among service providers in an interpersonal service. The accumulated provider's knowledge during service provision is then visualized through a knowledge sharing framework. A case study in a nursing service case using an animal treatment robot presents an application of the proposed method. In this case study, the proposed method supports knowledge sharing among the service providers by schematizing their knowledge. The application of this method facilitates the equalization of the service quality among service providers in the interpersonal services.</p>


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