Slag Suppression in Gas Cutting of Extreme-Thick Steel Plate by Compressed Air Blow Support


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  • 厚物鋼材ガス切断における圧縮空気ブロー支援によるスラグ抑制


<p>Gas cutting is one of the main methods used for cutting steel plates. Gas cutting produces molten steel and it cools down and adheres strongly to the back of the steel. This adhesion is called slag, and it is difficult to remove. In this study, a method of blowing compressed air onto a steel plate in gas cutting to blow away the molten metal, that is, the "Compressed Air Blow Support Method" was conceived. A device for blowing compressed air onto a steel plate was fabricated, and the effects of the blowing direction and input compression pressure on the amount of slag adhering to the steel were investigated. When the compressed air was blown onto the steel plate in the direction perpendicular to the direction of gas cutting, the molten metal stuck to the bottom of the steel plate was blown away and almost no slag adhesion was observed. When the input pressure was changed from 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 MPa, the amount of slag adhered was large at the highest blowing pressure of 0.3 MPa, and the amount of slag adhered was minimal at 0.2 MPa.</p>


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