

  • Succession of Woody Vegetation and Prediction of Shallow Landslides on Steep Slopes in an Abandoned Forest after Plantation Clear Cutting, Kagoshima Prefecture
  • カゴシマケン ノ サイゾウリン ホウキチ ノ キュウシャメン ニ オケル シンリン ノ センイ ト ヒョウソウ ホウカイ ノ ハッセイ ノ ヨソク



<p>  We investigate the succession of woody vegetation and use our results to predict the occurrence of shallow landslides on susceptible steep slopes in an abandoned forest after plantation clear cutting in Kagoshima Prefecture. We installed quadrats on six slopes to conduct vegetation surveys and measure topsoil thickness: four on steep slopes of ≥40º and two with gentle slopes of <20º. The results show that steep slopes have a smaller diameter at chest height, maximum tree height, tree age, number of trees and tree species, chest height cross-sectional area, Fisher-Williams index of diversity, topsoil thickness, and rate of topsoil development than those on gentle slopes. Vegetation was less abundant on steep slopes prone to shallow landslides than on gentle slopes. We also conducted a field survey to predict the occurrence of shallow landslides on steep slopes. The minimum values of topsoil thickness caused by shallow landslides decreased with increasing slope inclination. If the value of topsoil thickness caused by a shallow landslide exceeds the minimum values of topsoil thickness caused by shallow landslides, shallow landslides were generated.</p>


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