Human Resources Management of Conservation Activities in the Summit Area of Mount Daisen

DOI Open Access

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  • 大山頂上の自然保全活動における人材確保の実態と課題に関する一考察


<p>Through an interview survey, the researchers clarify the characteristics of participants and systems that participate in activities for the conservation of natural resources in the summit area of Mount Daisen in Daisen?Oki National Park. Participants were classified into two groups, with one comprising general participants who engaged in simple work and the other including key participants who plan conservation activities and improve existing methods for nature conservation. A small number of leaders among key participants gathered human resources that have specialized knowledge about conservation activities for natural resources from related organizations that helped develop existing methods. However, their gathering systems have gradually weakened. On another note, general participants were recruited as volunteers. The general participants’ gathering systems were observed to be successful.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
    • KAKEN
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