Farmers’ Perceptions and Potential Use of Tofu Wastewater-Anaerobic Digestion Effluent (TW-ADE)

  • UNTARI Melany
    Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science Study Program, IPB University
    Research Unit for Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Widyarani
    Research Unit for Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency
  • NOOR Erliza
    Department of Agroindustrial Technology, IPB University
    Research Unit for Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency

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  • Farmers' Perceptions and Potential Use of Tofu Wastewater-Anaerobic Digestion Effluent (TW-ADE) : A Survey in Giriharja Hamlet, North Sumedang, Indonesia
  • A Survey in Giriharja Hamlet, North Sumedang, Indonesia

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An existing anaerobic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Giriharja Hamlet, Indonesia, processes approximately 20–40 m3/day of tofu whey. The WWTP effluent (tofu wastewater-anaerobic digestion effluent, TW-ADE) is an alternative water source for agriculture in the area, particularly during water shortages. However, farmers’ acceptance and willingness to use TW-ADE are essential considerations. This study aimed to identify the perception of Giriharja Hamlet farmers on the quality, quantity, and potential benefits of TW-ADE and evaluate factors that influence farmers’ perceptions of the potential benefits of TW-ADE. Likert scale and ordinal logistic regression models were used to assess farmer perceptions and the factors that influence them. Farmer perceptions and the factors that influenced were obtained through interviews and the data analyzed using the Likert scale and ordinal logistic regression models. Most of the respondents (88%) agreed that TW-ADE had an unpleasant odor, but 56% of respondents agreed that it no longer caused pollution to the environment. The TW-ADE potential benefits assessment shows the farmers tended to doubt the potential benefits of TW-ADE for fertilizer content and suitability as irrigation water. The age factor (36−60 years old) had a positive acceptance of the potential benefits of TW-ADE. On the other hand, ≤ five years of farming experience factor and agricultural land area factor (≤ 0.25 ha and 0.26–0.50 ha) negatively influences farmers’ perceptions of the potential benefits of TW-ADE. The results conclude that experienced farmers have good perceptions of the potential benefits, and inexperienced young farmers do not. Therefore, to plan workshops or meetings in this area, it is advisable to invite experienced farmers as speakers. In other words, the results suggest that experienced farmers are the key people for the sustainable implementation of treated TW-ADE in Giriharja Hamlet.


  • Sanitation Value Chain

    Sanitation Value Chain 5 (2), 71-81, 2021

    Sanitation Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

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