Development of the Python3 based Bayesian inference dynamic visualization tool “B.T.V.T.I.” with multiplatform support designed to assist decision-making in healthcare and welfare
- Inoue Hiroki
- 新潟医療福祉大学 医療経営管理学部 医療情報管理学科
- Uchiyama Hachiro
- 同志社大学 全学共通教養教育センター
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- 保健医療福祉における意思決定支援のための、Python3を用いたマルチプラットフォームに対応したベイズ推測動的視覚化ツール「B.T.V.T.I.」の構築
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<p>Objective:To address the three pending issues that were raised after the release of B.I.T. (Bayesian inference tool). A Bayesian inference visualization tool expands the user experience by providing support to multiple platforms; it adds robustness to calculations instead of approximation and offers various inference visualization options other than the normal distribution.</p><p>Method:Using Python3, NumPy, SciPy, and the plotting tool Matplotlib, we created a new Bayesian inference visualization tool that runs on multiple operating systems and assures a robust calculation of the posterior probability. In addition, new cases of Bayesian inferences other than the normal distribution were collected for visualization.</p><p>Results:The newly developed B.T.V.T.I. (Bayesian tool for various types of inferences) runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux (Ubuntu). It is a software program with twelve Bayesian inference visualization screens, out of which nine have the statistical function implementation of SciPy. The program calculates and displays graph curves of the posterior distribution and posterior probability values at the same time as the observed values and variables are input. However, because a different programming language is used, its operation screen is different from that of B.I.T.</p><p>Discussion:The future expandability of B.T.V.T.I. to other devices, the application and limits of SciPy, and future implementation and visualization of the uncited Bayesian inference cases were discussed. Ideally, users must be familiar with the principle, premises, and applications of the Bayesian inference to use this software.</p>
- Niigata Iryo Fukushi Gakkaishi
Niigata Iryo Fukushi Gakkaishi 21 (2), 19-41, 2021-11-30
Niigata Society of Health and Welfare
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853179620171264
- NII Article ID
- 130008122439
- 24359777
- 13468774
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
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