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  • ブレインストーミング時の姿勢の違いによる発話傾向についての検討

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<p> In recent years, further improvement in intellectual productivity has been demanded due to the progress of the knowledge society. Along with this, the way of working places has been reviewed, such as increasing the degree of freedom of working hours and places, improving productivity, and improving the working environment to facilitate communication.</p><p> Meanwhile, it is said that activation of communication is indispensable for knowledge creation in the field of cognitive science, and it is important to focus on gestures and utterances in order to understand the characteristics of knowledge creation.</p><p> In addition, the idea of “Activity Based Working (ABW)” has emerged as a work style that allows workers to choose the environment according to the diversified work content, increasing the opportunity to take various postures in various spaces.</p><p> Base on above, the objective of this study is to clarify effects of postures focus on gestures and utterances.</p><p> This study is comprised of Task selection experiment, Speaking tendency grasping experiment, utterances and gestures, text mining of utterance content. The results are as follows.</p><p> Table 5 show results of Task selection experiment. Theme A. B. C. G was selected in this survey.</p><p> Fig. 5 and Table 13 show results of Speaking tendency grasping experiment. Points of motivation was highest in standing. Points of ideas was highest in low sitting. </p><p> Table 15 and Fig. 6 show results of utterances and gestures. This survey clarified that posture has little effect on speaking time and number of utterances, number of turn-taking, gesture time, and gesture occurrence frequency.</p><p> Table 17 and Fig. 8 show results of text mining of utterance content. Number of networks was least in standing and most in low sitting. </p>


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