

  • Exploring Interpretations of ‘Internatioanl Common Language’:
  • 「国際共通語」の解釈を考える : 社会とつながるエコロジーな英語教育を目指して
  • 「 コクサイ キョウツウゴ 」 ノ カイシャク オ カンガエル : シャカイ ト ツナガル エコロジー ナ エイゴ キョウイク オ メザシテ
  • Innovation in Englsih Education from an Ecological Perspective
  • ―社会とつながるエコロジーな英語教育を目指して



This paper addresses the issue of kokusai-kyotsu-go (an international common language), emphasizing a necessity of interpreting the terminologies ideologically used. The word kokusai-kyotus-go itself may not be difficult to be interpreted and appears to be used among learners and practitioners without much resistance in Japan. Moreover, native speakerism blinds them to the reality that people use different Englishes as a common language. Consequently, the paper problematizes the uncritical perception of English as kokusai-kyotsu-go. It is challenging for practitioners to provide instruction and tasks with reflecting current language use outside classroom. However, in order to address practical concerns, the history and socio-political backgrounds underlying popularity of the jargon need to be fully understood. Finally, the paper suggests that English education should be situated within a framework of ecological pedagogy, which connects classroom and society. It is critical to note that English education cannot be independent from Japanese language and social issues.


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