Training Advisors in a Teacher Training Course for JSL

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Other Title
  • 日本語教育副専攻科目における日本語学習アドバイザー育成
  • The Possibilities and Issues Revealed from the Perception of the Course Participants
  • ―受講生の認識に見る可能性と課題―


<p>This paper explores the possibilities and issues encountered in a teacher training course for Japanese as a Second Language (JSL), which aimed to produce JSL advisors who could encourage the development of language autonomy among JSL learners. The researchers interviewed four undergraduate students who took the course, and examined what those students learned and how they changed their perception about Japanese language advising by utilizing the Modified-Grounded Analysis (M-GTA) method. The results showed that they regarded theoretical knowledge such as autonomous learning, attentive listening, and rapport development as significant. On the other hand, they felt a conflict between the ideal for Japanese language advising based on that knowledge and the reality of Japanese language advising in practice; for example, they struggled with the dilemma between directly helping JSL learners and promoting their autonomous learning, and wanted a certain prescribed answer for advising since they had difficulties applying the theoretical knowledge mentioned above to their practice. Nonetheless, they became aware of their own autonomous learning and viewed JSL learning from a long-term perspective, encouraged by reflection on their own learning and through peer discussions throughout the course. Moreover, they developed the motivation to apply what they learned through the course to their daily lives.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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