Soft strain gauge tactile sensor array using liquid metal

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  • 液体金属を用いたひずみゲージアレイ式柔軟触覚センサ


<p>In recent years, soft tactile sensors comprising liquid metal and silicone rubber have been studied for tactile sensing of soft robots. In order to obtain detailed information about objects, the sensor array was configured by utilizing crossing of orthogonal microchannels filled with liquid metal as sensing elements in previous research. In this study, we propose the soft tactile sensor array with independent sensing elements. This sensor embeds narrow microchannels standing vertically in silicone rubber. Microchannels are filled with liquid metal and used as sensing elements. This structure realizes miniaturization and high-density placement of sensing elements while maintaining the independence of the sensing elements. We fabricated the sensor with 16 sensor elements of 0.4mm width embedded at 2.0mm intervals.</p>


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