Verification of characteristics of insole type smart device for foot pressure evaluation during exercise

DOI Open Access

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  • 運動中の足底圧評価のためのインソール型スマートデバイスの特性の検証


<p>    Measuring foot pressure during exercise is effective for improving competitiveness and preventing injuries in the field. The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of the data collected by an insole type smart device and to examine whether it is effective for evaluating the sole pressure during exercise. The position of the pressure sensor inside the insole device was measured by X-ray CT imaging. Image data on the application was recorded when a load was applied to each sensor. Furthermore, the center of pressure of front and rear and left and right were compared with the data on the force plate. As a result, (1) the four sensors are arranged under the distal phalanx of the second toe, the first metatarsal head, the fifth metatarsal head and the calcaneus. (2) Image data changes from light green to green, yellow, orange, and red according with increasing pressure and did not change at more than 142 kpa. (3) The center of pressure on anterior-posterior and left-right foot could be measured correctly. These results suggest that the insole type smart device is effective for the evaluation of plantar pressure during exercise. The findings of this study contribute to the utilization of data at the competition field.</p>


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    • CiNii Articles
    • KAKEN
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