The Study of “Tɔˆŋ” Usage Function in Thai Translation from Japanese Language
- PINSRI Supansa
- Japan Student Services Organization (Thailand)
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- タイ人日本語通訳者の使用から見られた「Tɔˆŋ」の機能について
Some novice Thai Japanese learners thought the meaning of 「Tɔˆŋ」is equal to 「nakerebanaranai」. However, the previous study found 「Tɔˆŋ」has a broader meaning and scope than 「nakerebanaranai」, 「Tɔˆŋ」is used for indicating expectation both from logical reason and personal feeling reasons while 「nakerebanaranai」can be used only from logical reason. Therefore, The purposes of this study were to find out the usage function of 「tTɔˆŋ」 interpreting from Japanese to Thai. In this case, 「Tɔˆŋ」was used 55 times and translated from varied words such as 「naitoikenai」 「nakerebanarimasen」「hitsuyou ga arimasu」「mashou」 「tekudasai」 Moreover,「Tɔˆŋ」is also used from interpreter's explanation about 45%.
- The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods
The journal of Japanese Language Education Methods 28 (1), 32-33, 2021
Japanese Language Education Methods
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853567321166592
- NII Article ID
- 130008139446
- 24239909
- 18813968
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed