「水辺」の開拓誌 : 低湿地農耕は,はたして否定的(ネガティブ)な農耕技術か?


  • The Monograph of the Cultivation of ‘Waterland’ : Were the Wet Paddy Fields really a Negatively-viewed Production Area? Was the Cultivation of Low-lying Wet Land really an Unwelcome Farming Technique?
  • ミズベ ノ カイタクシ テイシツチ ノウコウ ワ ハタシテ ヒテイテキ ネガテ




In Japan, low-lying wet land has been actively used for the cultivation of rice, and it has been pointed out that farming of ‘waterland’ was generally technologically backward, and the tendency has been to stress in particular that technology provides release from the hard work expended. It certainly cannot be denied that the cultivation of low-lying wet paddy fields involved hard work, and was a muddy mire promising only an unstable harvest; and the history of this hand-to-hand struggle with water has already been made known by many researchers in folk customs, geography and history.But was the cultivation of low-lying wet land really an unwelcome farming technique imposed by the living environment, undertaken unwillingly and sullenly? And for the people who subsisted there, were the wet paddy fields really a negatively-viewed production area, full of hardship and suffering, that could be grappled with only in a passive, negative, pessimistic way? The present paper aims to solve these questions. This paper takes a fresh look at the farming techniques of low-lying land scattered around the country, taking the point of view that the cultivation of the land was not necessarily carried out passively and under unfavourable conditions, but that the techniques may be seen in a positive light.The cultivation of low-lying wet land in the areas covered by the paper may be considered to have advantages obtained rather because the land was not completely turned over to paddy, precisely because it was imperfect farming land. The technical characteristics of farming low-lying wet land are such that when they become apparent in the social plane, as a production technique that overcomes the limitations of land ownership, this more than makes up for the demerit of low productivity. It may be considered that behind the continuation of this use of imperfect farming land was the development of a complex method of supporting livelihoods, which together with its economic and social advantages also supported a stable living in which the risks of various subsistence techniques compensated each other.



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