里刀自小論 : いわき市荒田目条里遺跡第二号木簡から


  • サトトジ ショウロン イワキシ アラタメ ジョウリ イセキ ダイ 2ゴウ モ




An important theme in recent ancient history research is the elucidation of how the gōzoku, or local powerful families, controlled farmers in various parts of the country in ancient times. The gun-fu mokkan, i.e., wooden tablets on which gun (district) officials ― who were of gōzoku background ― issued directives to those in responsible posts under their jurisdiction, have been receiving much attention as a source revealing what the lowest rungs of local administration were like. The tablet directives were written according to a strictly prescribed official form, called fushiki, under the ritsuryō system of government. The issuing authority and the addressee are expressly mentioned, and as a rule, it is presumed, they were relayed through the ritsuryō local administrative organization (from the gun to its subdivisions, such as Sato) to summon specific persons. Almost all the approximately ten gun-fu mokkan excavated thus far were addressed to Sato heads. The only exception is one issued to a port administration head, whose personal name was included.A gun-fu mokkan (mokkan No. 2) newly unearthed at the Aratame Jōri Site (Iwaki, Fukushima prefecture) , was addressed to the “Satotoji,” conveying an order for mobilization of thirty-six farmers for rice-planting at fields (shikiden) grantec to the gun official (who sent the tablet) by the central government as part of his salary. The tablet is significant in a number of ways. First is the matter of the identity of the “Satotoji.” The term toji was usually used to indicate a woman leading a group, as in the usage of ie-toji, meaning “mistress” as distinct from the ie-osa, or male household head. The Satotoji, to whom the tablet was addressed, can therefore be interpreted to mean the wife of a Satoosa (Sato head) who governed the village, if the tablet is understood in the context of the usual route by which administration was relayed from gun to Sato.Another important implication of the tablet is its evidence of the role played by the Satoosa and his wife at the lowest level of administration, the former compiling household registers and tax documents and facilitating the collection of taxes in kind and corvēe levies, and the latter, known as the Satotoji, acting as a leader in local farm management.Until the discovery of the tablet nothing was known about the specific activity of the Satotoji, making it an invaluable artifact for the study of the relationship between women and agricultural management in ancient Japan.



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