Youth Training Center/Youth School and TAKAHASHI Minejiro (2. The Home Front)

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  • 青年訓練所・青年学校と高橋峯次郎(2. 銃後の村)
  • 青年訓練所・青年学校と高橋峯次郎
  • セイネン クンレンジョ セイネン ガッコウ ト タカハシ ミネジロウ

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The SHINYU (True Friend) , the local chapter newsletter of the Civilian Militia (Zaigo Gunjin Kai) in Fujine Village contained many articles which provided a picture of the actual state of educational activities at the Youth Training Center/Youth School and conveyed the views of TAKAHASHI Minejiro, a teacher (instructor) at these facilities. This paper picks up such articles, classifying and arranging them in relevant order, so as to reconstruct the actual conditions of the Youth Training Center/Youth School and of the activities conducted by Minejiro.Regarding the activities at the Youth Training Center/Youth School, it was re-confirmed that the bulk of such activities consisted of military drills and maneuvers. One might also presume that there was direct military involvement.Minejiro was what one might call a naive nationalist; in and after the 1930s in particular, he began to place a strong emphasis on character building through protecting the “village” and the “farmer” (farming) and through farming. Minejiro was not a drill instructor but it seems that his students at the Youth Training Center/Youth School looked up to him and after these youths left the village to become soldiers, they not only expressed their gratitude towards Minejiro, they looked to him to train their juniors with rigor. One might imagine that Minejiro, with his strong sense of mission to protect the village, provided a foundation to fall back on for the young men as they served in the army.From all the articles in the SHINYU, it is clear that the extent of the roles played by the Youth Training Center/Youth School and its instructor in training the youth of the village for military service was considerable.



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