兵士が死んだ時 : 戦死者公葬の形成


  • When A Soldier Falls : The Creation of Public War Dead Memorialization in Meiji Japan
  • ヘイシ ガ シンダ トキ センシシャ コウソウ ノ ケイセイ




This is a study of the creation of a tradition of regional public war dead memorialization in Meiji Japan in the period spanning the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars. There is little consensus among researchers as to the characteristics of regional public war dead memorialization, nor is there a definition of “public war dead memorialization” agreed upon by most researchers.In light of the current state of scholarship regarding this topic, this study examines: several cases of public war dead memorialization during the period of the two wars; the formation of regional associations to carry out these memorial ceremonies; the types of individuals who participated in the ceremonies (e.g., prefectural governors, mayors, elected legislators, school principals, etc.); the collection of funding for the ceremonies; the establishment of guidelines for the offering of condolence money (to survivors, etc.); and venues for memorial ceremonies. It also traces the process by which this type of ceremony took on an increasingly official character during the period of these wars. Unlike the practice that began with the later Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), these regional ceremonies were not initially supported by official public funds. Nevertheless, this study maintains that funds for the memorial services were collected in a semi-official manner, and that the services were for all intents and purposes official public events. The use of terms such as “village funeral” by organizers and others recording accounts of the services at the time confirms that the participants themselves recognized them as official public events.This study also examines other practices related to these funeral services, such as: processing of the mortal remains of war dead; the receiving of cremated ashes or ihatsu (locks of hair of the deceased) and the associated “welcome receptions” for same at hometown train stations; protocols for the reporting of war deaths and the text typically used in these reports; and written eulogies. One goal of this research is to shed light on the significance of public war memorialization ceremonies as media events, as well as to examine them as channels and “stage management” of the regional dissemination of nationalistic and militaristic values as evidenced by the use of terms such as “honorable combat death”, “heroic war dead”, and “soldierly duty” during the period of the two wars. Public war dead memorialization ceremonies inevitably involved processions of hundreds and sometimes as many as two thousand participants ― mourner numbers unprecedented for funeral services in regional venues. Particular emphasis was placed on participation in these ceremonies by elementary school students who would become the next generation of soldiers. Such a multifaceted research approach is desirable for examining the role played by war memorialization ceremonies in the formation of ideas about war and the military in Japanese popular consciousness.



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