わらべうたのリズムと五音音階を用いた音楽づくりの試み ― 小学校音楽科における教材開発研究 ―

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  • ワラベウタ ノ リズム ト ゴイン オンカイ オ モチイタ オンガクズクリ ノ ココロミ : ショウガッコウ オンガクカ ニ オケル キョウザイ カイハツ ケンキュウ

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This study attempts to show the teaching material which consists of the rhythm and pentatonic of Warabe uta in music education at elementary school. First, this study analysed the teaching materials of Creative Music Making (CMM) in the textbooks. Second, the practice of CMM is showed. It is important to combine play with study when introducing warabe uta as a teaching material. Students can acquire musical elements such as rhythm and scale through the experience of play. The following activities were undertaken as part of this study: 1) Play the Warabe uta ‘Yoisassa’. 2) Analyse the rhythm of the‘ Yoisassa’. 3) Create a rhythm using the provided rhythm. 4) Create a melody utilizing the pentatonic to accompany the rhythm that you created in step 3. 5) Write the words to the song. This practice has several educational effects: 1) Understanding of the rhythm. 2) Reconstruction of through daily experience. 3) Rising the feeling to enjoy the CMM.


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