
DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • AMS radiocarbon dating of iron artifacts(Proceedings of the 15^<th> Symposium on Researches Using the Tandetron AMS System at Nagoya University in 2002)



Ages of archaeological sites related to iron manufacture, ages are usually determined using age-typed potteries or ^<14>C measurements on charcoals from the same stratum. Such indirect methods, however, are not valid in sites where pottery is absent or where charcoal deposits are mixed with materials of differing ages. In such cases, the ages of iron artifacts need to be measured directly. To determine the viability of AMS radiocarbon dating for iron artifacts, two case studies were conducted. The first involved samples of iron artifacts from a site of known age, i.e. the 'Gennaitouge' site in Otsu City, Shiga, Japan, which was active in the second half of the 7th century AD. The iron samples were heated with modern charcoal to determine if older ^<14>C characteristics could be preserved after such a process. AMS measurements of the heated samples yielded ^<14>C ages equivalent to modern charcoal. This result indicates that radiocarbon ages for iron artifacts should correspond to the final heating stage in the manufacturing process. In the second case study, AMS ^<14>C ages were determined for blacksmithing iron and charcoal samples from the 'Ninnjihaiji' site in Kashiba City, Nara, Japan. The ages of these materials were estimated at about the 7^<th> to 8^<th> centuries AD, and were consistent with the ages by an archaeological estimation. The results demonstrate that AMS radiocarbon dating can be reliably applied to iron artifacts from archaeological iron manufacturing sites.


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