

  • The Examination of Factors Affecting Elementary SchoolChildren's Evaluation of Their Teacher's Control
  • ジドウ ニヨル キョウシ ノ トウセイ ヒョウシュツ エ ノ ヒョウカ ニ エ



This study examined the factors that affect elementary school children's evaluation of their teacher's representation of control under problem situations. Fourth (n=94) and sixth (n=121) graders were presented four hypothetical problem situations. For all situations, they were asked to rate items concerning the schema regarding their teacher's representation of control, belief about the norm, demand for teacher's representation of acceptance, cognition of similarity to the hypothetical child and evaluation of teacher's representation of control. The results were as follows : (1) Demand for teacher's representation of acceptance was negatively correlated with evaluation of teacher's representation of control in both graders. (2) Belief about the norm was positively correlated with evaluation of teacher's representation of control in sixth graders. (3) The schema regarding teacher's representation of control affected evaluation of teacher's representation of control mediated by belief about the norm in sixth graders.


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